Wednesday, February 12, 2020

How to Loose Weight in 1 Month

How to Loose Weight in 1 Month


Can I lose weight in a month?

The short answer is yes, you definitely can! But the long answer is that you shouldn't be setting unattainable goals for yourself in such a short period of time. Our experts all agree that you should take all the time you can, and start early to get a big result. If you are looking for a small, noticeable change, though, you most likely have enough time to do it. If your goal is losing upwards of 10 lbs, you should probably be consulting personal trainers and dietitians to make sure that you're still being safe and healthy. That being said, you can definitely see results within a regimented month, but you'll have to be extremely disciplined.
Lots of diets and workout videos claim to change you in 30 days, and many times they do guarantee results. The problem is that it is easy to fall out of your routine if you've only just started. Joining up with a personal trainer, nutritionist or even encouraging online program can give you the support or even the hands-on attention you need to keep you accountable. One program we love is called The 4 Week Diet.

What are some easy tips to follow for losing weight in one month?

1. Change both your diet and exercise routines.
Everyone wants the best of both worlds: The ability to eat what you want and still lose weight. But the reality is that if you want to see some major results, you have to adjust your diet. Only exercising is only changing half of your lifestyle, so you'll only see half the results. "You can lose weight through diet alone, but it is exceedingly difficult to lose body fat by leaving your diet the same and trying to exercise it off," bridal fitness expert Doug Rice says. The simplest way to get started? Eat more vegetables. "I've had clients who decided to eat more vegetables and within a week, their body fat dropped 2 percent and their abs started to show," says Greg Doyle, author of Fit for a Bride and founder of Wedding Gym.
2. Eat some superfoods.
Along with filling up with plenty of veggies, you'll want to focus on some foods that are known to help in losing weight. Pick up foods like broccoli, eggs and walnuts in the grocery store, which will fill you up quicker and keep you feeling full longer, says Doyle. Oh, and also, drink plenty of water all the time.
3. Change your perspective.
Try to have as much fun as you can with your workouts and get them over with as quickly as possible, if working out feels like a chore to you. "Workout with a friend, listen to your favorite music and set a timer on your phone for 30 minutes," Doyle suggests. "As soon as the timer goes off, get out of there." The last thing you want is to dread going to the gym.
4. Know what it takes to get results.
Rice recommends a minimum of three to four 30-minute sessions of cardio per week and the same amount of strength training, though that amount will need to be adjusted depending on your goals. If you have more to lose, Rice says, you'll need to kick your cardio up to five or six times per week. Relax -- cardio can be anything from going for a run to jogging, brisk walks and cycling, which is much easier on joints and makes you less prone to injuries, Doyle adds. Find something you enjoy so you'll be more likely to keep it up. And remember: If you continue to do what you've always done, you'll continue to get the results you've always gotten, Rice says. Want to make more progress? Prepare to push yourself a bit harder.

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